Folks, Here’s the code and slides from my talks from last week’s SILVAFUG and BAADAUG user group meetings on the Flex 3 and Flex 4 Component Lifecycle.
Please note, I gave a flavor of this talk at MAX 2008 (referenced here). However, the slides and code from that MAX talk are severely out of date with the current state of the SDK trunk (obviously, since it was over a year ago!). The slides and code for last week’s talks, which are linked below, have been updated to be relevant with the current state of the SDK trunk. So, do not use the code from the MAX 2008 talk as its sorely out of date and you will get plenty of compiler errors and confuse yourself!
PPT Slides (Flex 3 and Flex 4 Component Lifecycle)
Spark VideoWidget (built on SDK trunk revision 10461)
You rock!!! This is the most interesting read ever, and the humor, keep it coming.
If you are interested in an in-depth whitepaper on the Flex 3 Lifecycle check out:
I know Deepa has read it at least once… or she is humoring us, either way I thought I should share 😉
One quick question…you say that we should be setting the skinClass in a defaults.css, and not at runtime via setStyle(), but what of the case of multiple Modules? Modules are not allowed to have CSS files, right? And sticking the skinClass in the CSS file for the main application, causes the skin to be compiled into the main swf instead of the module, which defeats the purpose of the modules…
Hi there,
I watched the whole presentation video from the MAX 2008, it helped me a lot to understand the life cycle of components in Flex3, however I have a question regarding skins.
I am currently trying to skin a LinkButton component (actually a component that inherist from LinkButton but that is not so important) and I am trying to set the alpha parameter of the underlying textField component of the LinkButton on the four different up and over states. Now if I do that from within the skin (exposing the underlying textField component with my component that inherits from LinkButton) I can set the alpha value for the four different states but that occurs only once.
Do you have any presentations or links that would help me understand the mechanism that drives the flex component skinning?
That would be of great help.