Its almost here. I’m putting the finishing touches on my talk. Its going to rock. I’m so excited (and super caffeinated right now)! I’ll put my talk code and slides up here after the session.
If you’re at MAX, swing by and say hi. Don’t be shy!
Deepa Subramaniam
I’m jealous. Say hi to the EUI crew out there!
Hey Deepa, saw your talk at MAX. It did rock! Best of show IMO. Though the FMS 3.5 stuff was a big deal for me too.
Really great talk Deepa. And I did say hi!
Hey Deepa, I attended your talk at MAX and very much enjoyed it. Great work.
Heya Deepa I hope all is well after a rough week there. I was wondering if you had the code up from your talk anywhere I have been trying to dig into the new components and I’d love to peak at the video component you presented. Thanks!
What about code examples from MAX ?
I have posted my slides, code and a link to the video of the session. Check it out here: