In what may be the highlight of my Flex career so far, I’ve been stickerized!
As part of a community campaign created for MAX, you can get a stickersheet with sticker icons of various people from Adobe or the community involved with different Adobe technologies. I’m in there, representing Flex, along with other community folks like Doug McCune, as well as Mike Chambers, Grant Skinner and John Nack. I’m still working on identifying the others. You can accessorize each individual with other little sticker accessories and its miniature, and adorable, and makes my heart absolutely melt.
You can get the stickers at the Adobe booth in the main hall at MAX right now. Thanks for asking me Mike Chambers, this was a privilege and an honor!
whoa, awesome! i want one!
I think I’m actually the really small guy standing next to the milk bottle or vending machine or whatever that is. Or maybe I’m the guy in the halo helmet – you’ll never know for sure.
I’ve heard the chick with the coffee cup is Stacy “She Who Codes” Mulcahy:
Wish I would have seen these when I was there!!!!! These are by far the coolest swag Adobe has come up with to date 🙂
By the way, I enjoyed your session very much, you are a great speaker